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Motivation is the number one thing founders are looking for in their team

Motivation is the number one thing founders are looking for in their team

A few weeks back I was struggling with a question – what are the top challenges faced by Indian startup founders?

I tried searching online but most (sorry, all) of the data points were from either the US or Europe. That left me frustrated. And I wondered if there are others like me who want this data. More so, if we really want the Indian startup ecosystem to grow we really NEED data!

Then, I thought of it as an opportunity to start collecting this data for the larger benefit of the Indian startup ecosystem. Consequently, I put up a few questions on a Google Form and published it online.

One of the questions is – What qualities do you associate with the team you have/want to build?

Till now “Motivation” seems to be the top choice!

If you are a startup founder, please fill-up the survey here and help improve the Indian Startup ecosystem. You can as well visit my blog post here and do the same.

A big thanks to all of the amazing 50+ startup founders who have already filled it up!!

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